The Community

If you're not a LALíder yet, please follow the link to apply to our Camps!

LaLa's Community

LALA’s Community provides tailored support for your leadership journey from the moment you start the Leadership Camp (virtual or in-person). The Community includes programs and opportunities such as mentorship sessions, virtual learning clubs, career development programs, and a support network of exceptional young leaders.

Participating in our Virtual Camps is the entry point to these development opportunities.

Experience a tight-knit and productive cohort. Become part of a highly selective cohort of innovative young leaders passionate about positively impacting their communities. Learn more about the leader you are when in contact with others!

Develop new skills and abilities. Gain a deeper understanding of your passions, values, and motivations to enhance personal and professional growth. Our programs cover soft skills and hard skills, from public speaking to analytical reasoning and more!

Membership in the LALA Community. Joining the LALA community grants you continuous access to global development opportunities, scholarships, resources, and more.

LaLa’s initiatives & programs

LALA’s Community features a range of initiatives and programs tailored to support you in your leadership journey.

Once you attend a Leadership Camp and become a LALider make sure to always check your email and LALA’s Community channels for upcoming opportunities and events.

LaLa's initiatives

  • Part of LALA’s Application Cycle*
  • Usually delivered on a 6-month cycle, twice a year 
  • Led by LALA Staff
  • Focus on curriculum and skill development (hard and soft)
  • Currently conducted remotely

*Obs.: Do not be mistaken for the Leadership Camp application. The Application Cycle is an internal process for LALíderes.

It is only possible to access LALA’s Community after attendance at one of our Camps. We have three application cycles that open periodically throughout the year, under which the majority of our initiatives fall. You’ll receive all the details you need in your email whenever a new application process starts. Additionally, the link to apply to them will always be available on our website and social media platforms throughout the whole application cycle. 

In order to find more information regarding the objectives, durations, and application process of each opportunity you can be part of as a LALíder, navigate through the icons below!

LaLa's programs

  • Operate on an individual application process
  • Usually delivered on a 1-year cycle 
  • Typically bigger in size and scale and therefore requires a staff member solely allocated to the program  
  • Often include financial support for participants 
  • Typically involve partner organizations
  • Currently conducted remotely

Programs have their own application processes and do not follow the same system as initiative application cycles, which are operated through a common application. Our programs have their own cycle and application process. You will receive notifications of applications opening for a particular program through emails, website, and social media. The only program we currently offer is the University Placement. Check more details below!

why the difference?

We want to establish the difference between the 2 to clarify LALA’s offerings and opportunities to the Community. By highlighting between those integrated within our application cycles and those outside it, we aim to simplify the process for LALíderes, enabling them to understand what is on offer and when!

Admissions Officer Coordinator Team

Camp Staff: Coach

Camp Staff: Floater Manager

Camp Staff: Trainee Facilitator

Camp Staff: Trainee Manager

DEIAB Committee

LALíder Data Team

Media Production

Opportunities Team


LALA is a non-profit institution that seeks to promote sustainable economic development and strengthen democratic governance in Latin America by developing and connecting a new generation of principled and socially innovative leaders. Find out more about our mission and purpose on the About Us page.

A LALíder is the name the community voted for to call themselves: the young leaders who have been through a LALA Camp. No one has to apply to be a LALíder. After their Camp experience, they are embraced by our community and can officially participate in other LALA programs and initiatives.

The Community covers all the organization’s activities to generate impact, such as our Virtual Camps and LALA’s programs and initiatives, which our LALíderes can access to support their leadership journey from the moment they finish their Camp.

If you are already a LALíder (meaning you have completed an in-person or V-Camp), you have unlimited access to apply to all of our educational opportunities.

Yes. However, we do not recommend that you participate in too many opportunities at once in order not to overload yourself and take full advantage of them. You are free to participate in different opportunities at the same time as long as you are accepted in the selection process.

Please check the Our Team page to learn more about all the staff involved in our Camps and in other departments.

Yes. Some opportunities offer compensation, and this is outlined in their description.

No. These opportunities are part of the Community, and after you enter it through the Virtual or In-person Camps, you will have access to benefits from all of them following our selection processes.

community newsletter

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Apply now

Applications for our Leadership Camps are now open. Join the community that is changing Latin America.