Paloma Ribeirol

Paloma Ribeiro

Manager of Human Resources

Paloma holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Federal University of ABC. Currently works as a Mentorship Program Manager at LALA, a position that demands the use of leadership and communication skills to inspire and guide individuals toward success. She comes from a family of “pasteleiros”, an informal profession in Brazil that doesn’t provide good socioeconomic conditions. During her university studies, she was a socio-economic quota holder and later became a fellow of the Instituto Semear, an organization that provided her with the necessary support to advance her academic and professional career. While in university, she served as the president of Enactus UFABC, an international organization of college students who do social entrepreneurship, where she led the development of projects and represented Brazil in international competitions held in Canada and England. Additionally, she represented her country at the UN Youth Assembly with a focus on discussing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. She has built her career in the HR area, working at the Lemann Foundation and Arco Educação on diversity & inclusion and people development topics. In 2022, she was chosen as an Alumni Under 30 by Enactus Brazil and the NGO Renovatio, representing Brazil at the Enactus World Cup in Puerto Rico. As the Mentorship Program Manager, Paloma is responsible for expanding this opportunity to LALA’s network, ensuring the quality of the program, and enabling young people in Latin America to reach their full potential, thereby becoming leaders in high-impact careers in the region.

7 Facts About Paloma Ribeiro


I'm passionate about dogs, and I have a Border Collie named Floquinho.


My favorite TV show is Friends. I've watched it so much that I've memorized a lot of lines. As a result, I can't watch the episodes without repeating the lines along with the characters.


My favorite movie is the entire Harry Potter series - it's impossible to choose just one.


I love cooking, and I have a tradition of once a year getting together with friends for an internal competition in Masterchef's style.


I've been a vegetarian since 2017.


I'm on team Ketchup - it's amazing with pizza, popcorn, burgers, ramen, and any other food that you can think of.


I've done a TEDx talk and represented Brazil in world championships of social entrepreneurship.

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