Renzo Ulloa: changing the leadership landscape in Peru

Renzo Ulloa, from Otuzco, a city in the North of Peru, moved to Lima in 2017 to attend the Presidente del Perú High School, where he studied until 2019. In the last 2 years in that school, he took the IB (International Baccalaureate), and he realized what he enjoyed was social impact. One year after graduating, he attended LALA. It was a last-minute plan since he knew about the applications days before it closed, but that did not prevent him from being admitted and participating in the third edition of the virtual camps in July 2020.
Renzo believes that responsibility, honesty, and cooperation are the three principles for a better world, values that he learned at LALA. He thinks that being honest is the basis of vulnerability, from which one can connect with other people. Regarding cooperation, he considers it essential to connect with others and to build networks mainly because you have to start by collaborating instead of competing. Finally, the responsibility.
What motivates him to act stems from the concept of reciprocity: “I love my country, and I hope it can improve and people have the feeling that I helped them and they can continue with the chain of support.”
Renzo is currently working on three projects. Two are in the planning process, and one is already underway. The one he dedicates the most time to is focused on supporting families who are victims of domestic and gender-based violence. The idea is to provide tools for mothers to access new opportunities and educational materials for children in shelters. There are many people interested in this, and it is a relevant issue since the rate of femicide has increased in Peru. Renzo hopes to change people’s thoughts and reduce the numbers starting with the impact in Lima and with the projection of expanding it to Peru and other Latin American countries.
We are beyond proud to see the impact of Renzo on his community. We celebrate his desire to achieve a better future for Peru and the region, and we hope to continue supporting him in achieving this goal.