Ju Peixoto

Júlia Peixoto


Ju Peixoto is a 19-years-old Social Communication student, born in Goiânia – GO, Brazil. Peixoto knew she was passionate about communications and arts from the very first time she went into a movie theater, she still remembers the surreal feeling of being engulfed into a narrative by the bright lights, loud sound, and a big screen. Since she was a kid she was always involved in all kinds of projects she could get herself into, from drawing, language learning, and ballet to capoeira (a Brazilian martial art) and theater classes – her mother always believed that education was the only thing no one could take from you, so Ju seized all the opportunities she could.

Peixoto was part of VLB9 and the Cross-Cultural Leadership Program from the World Leading Schools Association and was also awarded in the Goi-Foundation International Essay Contest for Young People. Most of all, Ju believes in giving back all the opportunities she had for other people – because she recognizes that without the help of many she wouldn’t have been able to be where she is today. As an AC for Communications and External Community Engagement, she is responsible for many projects to better communicate with different stakeholders (from Alumni, to Staff and Donors). She also supports the Storytelling Team, helping to share the fantastic stories we have on throughout the LALA Ecosystem.

7 Facts About Júlia Peixoto


On each of my birthdays, since I turned 18 - I do something I’ve never done before, until now I have gone skydiving and go-karting - What should I do next?


Mostly everyone calls me Peixoto since I was a kid (because there are a LOT of Júlia’s in the world). And I love this nickname (some close friends even call me “Peixe” which means fish in Portuguese, because Peixoto sounds similar to it)!


I really like sour/tart food - and I can eat lemons without grimacing.


I was kind of a shy child until I turned 6 and my mom enrolled me in theater classes. I think she may regret it, because since then I’ve never stopped talking again - and love having conversations and meeting new people.


I read a lot since I was very young. My aunts are teachers and would always borrow books from their schools for me to read, our house would sometimes look like a library.


I love riding motorcycles, because I’ve done it with my father for the longest time.


I don’t like talking during cinema sessions! (But I talk about the movie for hours after I’ve watched it).