Renate Mitie Fukunaga

Renate Mitie Fukunaga

Admissions Manager

Motivated by her belief in education and care as a means of social transformation, Renate left the financial market 10 years ago to build her career in social impact. She has a degree in Business Administration from PUC-SP, an academic exchange in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Porto and an immersion in Social Business in Bangladesh at the Yunus Center. She is currently specializing in Mental Health and Human Development at PUC-PR. Over the years, she has become a specialist in selection for Scholarship Programs and in projects focused on the development of young people in Brazil. She has worked in education and technology organizations, looking for ways to make selection processes more inclusive and leading other fronts that could expand opportunities for young people. Before that, she was a partner in an application start-up and has provided specialized services in Data Analysis with her own consultancy. As Admissions Manager at LALA, Renate is responsible for the strategic direction and execution of attracting and selecting future LAL leaders. Renate believes that when your heart is in the right place, you can build sustainable paths by prioritizing people and using technology as your main ally.

7 Facts About Renate Mitie Fukunaga


I've scored a "scorpion goal" in a soccer championship (I didn't win the game, but I did win an encyclopedia as a prize).


I love Studio Ghibli productions and Rupi Kaur's books, they touch me deeply.


I like to study topics related to Human Behavior, Management and People Development


I love São Paulo, but I'm also passionate about Minas Gerais


Although I like hectic places, I re-energize myself in silence and nature


I love dancing forró and want to learn other dance styles


I love my cats (Pingu and Filó)