LALA’s End-of-the-Year Letter

Dear donors and partners,
As 2024 draws to a close, we want to pause to reflect on the transformative impact we have experienced together. This has been a year full of incredible achievements, and none of it would have been possible without the support and trust of each and every one of you. So instead of a conventional end-of-year message, we decided to write a letter to Santa Claus (with a special touch, of course!).
What would we ask Santa for this year?
- Over 2.600 young leaders spread across Latin America and in our community, ready to transform the future.
- More in-person camps packed into São Paulo, bringing together more people committed to change.
- A LALíder selling his startup to the biggest company in Latin America.
- Another winning a scholarship to study at Oxford.
- Incredible partners and donors who believe deeply in our mission.
- A team that has grown with passion, creativity, and an immense desire to transform realities.
And now, the best part: We’ve been good children, because we’ve earned all of this thanks to your support! 🌟
Jokes aside, we really want to express our deep gratitude. Every young person we empower, every community we touch and every dream we help realize has a piece of your contribution in it. The impact we have made together goes far beyond what we imagined at the beginning of the year.
May 2025 be even more special, full of new achievements and renewed dreams. And don’t worry, Santa Claus: next year we will continue to work with dedication and joy to achieve even more!
With affection and deep admiration,
Fernanda Caloi and Diego Ontaneda
CEO of LALA Brazil & President of LALA Global